Reframe your mindset & elevate your self-esteem


Free 20 minute Discovery Call

In an RTT 20-minute consultation discovery call, Claire talks to potential clients about their needs, challenges, and goals. She explains the RTT process and asks questions to identify the root causes of the client's issue. The client can also ask questions to learn more about the therapy and its benefits. By the end of the call, the client should have a better understanding of how RTT can help them and if they are a good fit for the therapy.

20 mins |  £ 0

Therapy Programme

Your therapy programme will comprise 3 separate elements:

Initial Consultation

An Initial Consultation, either by Zoom or in person, will explore what you want to work on, your objectives and expectations from RTT® Therapy. We will then work together to develop a programme that is personalised to you for your 1-1 therapy. You should allow 20-30 minutes for the Initial consultation.

Therapy Session

The Therapy session can be conducted by Zoom or in person and will involve you being guided, through hypnosis, to a state of deep relaxation where together we will look to identify and explore the root causes of the issues you wish to address. We will work together to reframe the thought patterns that are creating a negative impact on your life, transforming key triggers towards positive and empowering beliefs. You should allow 2 hours for each individual therapy session.

Reinforcement and Personalised Recording

The third element of theTherapy Programme is a 20 minute Personalised Recording prepared for you, based on your Therapy Session. This is designed to be listened to for 21-28 days to cement positive, empowering and lasting change. During this time you will have consulting support from me.


A single Therapy Session can be wholly effective for some while others may find two or three sessions are required to attain the transformative impact sought. Follow up sessions can be discussed with Claire during the consultation period.

Personalised Recording

Based on an initial Discovery call Claire will create a tailored audio file using hypnosis, NLP, and other techniques to reprogram the subconscious mind with empowering beliefs. This RTT® personalised recording is designed to be listened to for 21-28 days to reinforce positive messages, helping clients achieve their desired outcomes conveniently and effectively.


Client testimonial

“I was apprehensive at first as I honestly wasn’t sure if it was even possible for me to overcome my OCD. Claire was able to get to the root cause. It was fascinating to learn where the OCD came from and made complete sense as to why I held onto it for so long. Claire guided me with empathy and compassion throughout my session and was able to guide me to ultimate freedom. It was literally like she waved a magic wand because the OCD has gone. Completely gone. I can’t quite believe it. My stress levels have gone from off the charts to zero. I can’t thank Claire enough for the gift she has given me. Thank you Claire. I’m a new and better version of myself.”


“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are now and change the ending”.

CS Lewis